past Friday, Saturday and Sunday, St. Joseph Seminary was host to 14 men
for a "Come and See" weekend. This is an opportunity for men who feel
they may be called by the Lord to priesthood to share their experience with others
and find help to discern the voice of the Lord in their lives. They spend time
in the seminary setting in order to get a sense of daily life there, and, most
importantly, to speak with formation team members and other seminarians about
the principles and dynamics of discernment.
Saturday was the memorial feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. Her example is a
wonderful aid to anyone who seeks to be open to the call of Christ. In her we
see the model of what it means to become childlike, that stance before the Lord
to which Christ frequently called his followers. What does it mean to be
I had occasion to reflect on this when on Thursday I visited and blessed two schools in the Archdiocese: Theresetta school in Castor and Christ King school in Stettler. Many of the parents of the students were there for these events. Watching the youngest members of these schools (kindergarten and Grade 1) I was reminded of what it is to be like a child. Youngsters allow themselves to be led. Where the parents go, so, too, do they. They approach their parents with open arms, full of trust. They take their parents at their word; they hold something to be true because "Mommy or Daddy said so."
Therese approached God with arms wide open, trusting absolutely in His love and
tenderness. She took God at His Word, the Word spoken in Christ, the Word that
assures of of divine presence and care, the Word that calls us to life through
the obedient following of Christ. Wanting to be led only by the Lord, she
tenaciously sought to know the Lord's will in order to follow it in loving and
trusting obedience.
At the Come and See weekend, we offered this great saint, now a Doctor of the Church, as a model to the men seeking to know the Lord's will. She is, in fact, a model for all of us. God is near. He loves us as a Father, wanting to provide for our every true need. He summons us to life through communion with His Son. When we take God at His Word and receive that word with open arms, we shall know how we are called and we will be graced with the faith necessary to follow.
As I
moved into the Sunday liturgies of the weekend, I realized that St. Therese has
even more to say to us. How vitally important it is for us to grasp and follow
her example was underscored by the Scripture readings for Sunday Mass (cf.
Isaiah 5:1-7; Philippians 4: 6-9; Matthew 21: 33-43).
the first reading and Gospel use the image of a vineyard and its produce. In
the passage from Isaiah, the vineyard is an image of the people of God, who had
planted within them His seeds of love and mercy and nourished them with His
commandments. However, instead of the cultivated grapes of justice and peace
this vineyard has yielded the "wild grapes" of injustice and
an image makes us ask some serious questions about the "produce" that
we, the Lord's vineyard of today, are bringing forth. Through Baptism we have
had planted within us the seeds of life, love, justice and eternity. And yet
the produce yielded is too often the opposite: threats to the dignity to human
life and pressures on family; poverty; homelessness; widening gaps between rich
and poor; and so on. Not a very healthy vineyard, to say the least.
Gospel parable of the vineyard owner and the evil tenants gives the diagnosis
of the underlying illness that needs to be confronted. At produce time the
owner sends messengers to the tenants to collect the produce. He even sends his
son. All are beaten and killed as the tenants rebuff the owner of the vineyard
and take control for themselves. Such a parable invites us to examine seriously
how we are rebuffing God, both as individuals and as a society. Throughout
salvation history God has sent us messengers of His love, such as the prophets,
and above all He even sent His Son. They were rebuffed by sinful humanity. The injustices suffered by humanity, both
past and present, show clearly that we continue to choose to exclude God from
any meaningful place in our lives, relying not upon Him but upon ourselves.